Value Proposition

We've built an ecosystem that compounds in value for companies, investors, and partners.

For Companies

Support Platform

We provide portfolio companies with a comprehensive web platform to track investment documents, redeem exclusive deals, connect with partners in our network, discuss challenges, and get on-demand support from our team. Additionally, our team provides software development services at below-market rates.

Time Savings

Our portfolio companies save time on monthly and quarterly reporting by connecting software systems to the web platform. This saves the need of qualitative emails and provides transparency for our team to help at each stage of the business.

Software Services

We provide portfolio companies with software development services at below-market rates. This includes development of mobile apps, web apps, integrations, websites, and much more. Our services enable companies to scale faster.

Automated Reporting

Our portfolio companies save time on monthly and quarterly reporting by connecting software systems to the web platform. This saves the need of qualitative emails and provides transparency for our team to help at each stage of the business.

For Investors

Transparency Platform

We provide investors with end-to-end transparency with a web platform that connects to various data sources. Investors can track historical performance, reporting, documents, portfolio, other investors, and more from one place. As a registered hedge fund, we aim to provide compounding annual returns above the S&P 500.

Fee Structure

We do not charge a management fee. We are able to fund our operations with a combination of software services and profits from companies we own. We make a 20% performance fee at a 1x hurdle rate, so our incentives are fully aligned.

Software Platform

We provide investors with end-to-end transparency with a web platform that connects to various data sources. Investors can track historical performance, reporting, documents, portfolio, other investors, and more from one place.

Fee Structure

We do not charge a management fee. We are able to fund our operations with a combination of software services and profits from companies we own. We make a 20% performance fee at a 1x hurdle rate, so our incentives are fully aligned.

For Partners

Additional Distribution

We partner with companies to provide exclusive deals to our portfolio. These deals are available to portfolio companies on the web platform. As we invest in more companies, we increase distribution of our deal partners.

Software-Focused Network

We partner with executives looking to join our network to facilitate meeting our portfolio companies. This saves time for executives to meet with innovative companies in their sector.

Human Transparency with Investigative Journalism

We believe that data doesn't always tell the whole story. Our team of investigative journalists validate the data predictions with interviews and research. Our journalists operate on an unbiased quest for the truth.

Investment Transparency with Publicized Insights

We make high conviction investments and publicize our Insights on our website. Our investment approach is simple: Find undervalued assets. This can be equities, acquisitions, commodities, and more.