
Jaggi Enterprises LLC is a Delaware LLC doing operations in Florida. The company's address is 382 Northeast 191st Street PMB 41729 Miami, FL 33179 US.

Tax ID

The Tax ID (EIN) is 88-1621332.


Jaggi Enterprises LLC is wholly owned by Param Jaggi. The company operates as an operating entity with an associated investment fund.

Terms & Conditions

Here is our terms & conditions.

Privacy Policy

Here is our privacy policy.

Security Policy

Here is our security policy.

Code of Conduct

We continuously evolve our code of conduct that informs our day-to-day operations.

  • We are financially motivated but believe in having a positive social impact.
  • Compensation is transparent and standardized.
  • Access to our proprietary data is a privilege. We handle this data with care to ensure security and privacy.
  • We may buy, build, or invest in products that are directly or indirectly competitive in nature. We support all of our investments the same.
  • We assume a basis of trust, unless we have reason to believe otherwise.